Consortium Grupo Enciclo
The consortium Grupo Enciclo brings both comprehensive and extensive Online collection of Spanish resources. These electronic resources have been conceived by our Editorial Team over the last ten years, which are endorsed by prestigious universities from Spain and Latin America.
Mienciclo is the result of a continued effort recognized by higher institutions such as the Ministry of Culture of Spain.
Our databases provide searching tools that allow easy and intuitive navigation to users, giving them access to an extensive number of articles and documents on the same interface: reference works, digital books, images, videos, etc. in order to promote the research, documentation and learning processes of all users at an international level.
The information you need in the formats you want
A group of companies from the cultural industry have established a consortium for the promotion and worldwide export of their products and services in order to spread and create synergies between them. Because of this union, it has been created the largest repository of cultural and editorial digital content in Spanish. Our motto is: "The universal knowledge at your fingertips". You can discover our extensive catalogue of electronic resources and ICT solutions for education.
Thanks to Mienciclo technology platforms, you can view any kind of content related to your search and dynamically access to them through hyperlinks. Content searched by words. Users can simultaneously consult our resources from any Internet-connected device, no software required. So, Mienciclo virtual reference library is available 365 days a year.